(Blatantly plagiarized and improved from my original post on the Karaf User Mailing List)
Lets set up the scenario. A user asked the dev's this:
I'm unable to activate a bundle and am getting - "could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package: org.springframework.web.util; version="3.0.0"".
What configuration setting am I missing?
This error usually arises when the bundle in question is attempting to wire to a package that is not present in the OSGi environment. To verify this, do the following:
1) ensure that the packages isn't already available within Karaf
root@karaf> exports | grep org.springframework.web.utilhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
2) If that command doesn't return anything, then you should find the bundle that contains the package you need, and install that into your container. Doing a simple search for that package on a sonatype repository should let you see the proper bundle.
Ok, this will work for most cases. But there are corner cases where you'll get this error if a third-party bundle can't access a given package. For example, if you're using Hibernate and C3P0 to access a MySQL database. You'll get the above error when C3P0 attempts to get access to mysql driver. Unfortunately, the C3P0 bundle doesn't wire to the driver, so you need to create a "fragment" that adds an import statement to the C3P0 bundle. This is in itself a sticky issue deserving its own blog, so I'll handle it there.
Please try this and let me know if it helps.
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